The Seventh-day Adventist Church, Southern Ghana Union Conference is reaching southern Ghana for Jesus. God’s Mission for this world motivates and informs our mission. Our mission is woven into our identity. It defines who we are and why we exist.

Southern Ghana Union Conference

The Southern Ghana Union Conference oversees and coordinates the work of the Church in seven political regions of Ghana namely the Central, Eastern, Greater Accra, Western, Western North, Volta and Oti regions.  The conferences and missions under the Union include Accra City, Diamond-field Ghana, East Ghana, Eastern-view Ghana, Meridian Ghana, South West Ghana, West-Central Ghana and Western North Ghana Conferences; and the Volta and Oti Ghana Missions. 

The Southern Ghana Union Conference is home to 183,947 members who worship in 1037 Churches and 1253 Companies. We exist to help people everywhere understand the Bible to find freedom, healing and hope in Jesus Christ.

Changing the world one life at a time

Demonstrating Gods love and compassion everywhere

Over 134 years of Touching lives

From baptizing and saving lives to transforming and reforming lives spiritually and physically to the Glory of the Lord of Hosts. Adventism has a long history

Committed to His Service

The Remnant Church of end-time Bible Prophecy. Enlisting as Co-workers with God in His mission of reclaiming the world from the power and presence of evil, as part of the the Great Controversy between Christ and Satan


Administrative Units


Worship Centers Nationwide


Trusted Employees

Top rated

Private University


Educational centers under management


Medical Centers

A Declaration Of Spiritual Accountability In The Family of Faith

And because of their passionate commitment to their Lord and appreciation of His unbounded love, they all have the same goal: to share the Good News with others.

our mission

Helping Those Around Us Understand The Bible To Find Freedom, Healing And Hope In Jesus

our method

Pursuing Our Mission Through Christ-like Living, Communicating, Disciplining, Teaching, Healing, And Serving.

Our vision

The Restoration Of All His Creation To Full Harmony With His Perfect will And Righteousness.

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